You can help

As is the case for all NCI Stations, NCI Hengistbury Head is expected to fund the provision and maintenance of its lookout, equipment and building, and also recruit and train Watchkeepers to a national standard.

The NCI Hengistbury Head Team would welcome your support.  We need your help to develop and maintain our 364 days per year operation.

Please consider making a donation to help us carry on with this vital work, assisting HM Coastguard to make our inshore waters and shorelines safe for everyone.

Donations can be made by the following methods:

Scan QR code to donate to us, thank you!

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– or by bank transfer (BACS) to:

Bank Name:

Account Name:

Sort Code:

Account Number:


LLoyds Bank

NCI Hengistbury Head



Web Donation

You can also buy BH Coastal Lottery Tickets

We are a founder good cause of BH Coastal Lottery. 50% of the value of tickets sold through our page comes directly to us and you can win £25,000!

If you have made a donation of £20.00, or have decided to play the BH Coastal Lottery on a regular basis, perhaps you may be interested in becoming a Friend of NCI Hengistbury Head. Details can be found on our Friends Page.

Any donation, however small, is very much appreciated, Thank you!